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Log-In eBranch

Log-In eBranch

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Account Beneficiary Designation/Update

* Indicates Required

  • This form will supersede any previous beneficiary designation you may have on record with ActorsFCU for the disposition of your ActorsFCU accounts. This form is not accepted for any IRA; please complete the IRA Beneficiary form.

    • Complete all the information requested [being thorough will help us locate your beneficiary(ies) when necessary].
    • Beneficiaries may be an individual(s) or a Trust. ActorsFCU does not offer contingent beneficiaries.


    Account Owners own account in equal parts. Beneficiaries do not become effective until ALL account owners have expired.

    Number of Account Owners *


    By agreeing, I represent that all account owners are aware of and in agreement with the changes being requested. As such, Actors FCU is held harmless to any direct/indirect claims made in connection with this request, now or in the future.


    Number of Beneficiaries *

    Beneficiary 1

    All percentages for beneficiaries must add to 100%.

    Beneficiary 2

    All percentages for beneficiaries must add to 100%.

    Beneficiary 3

    All percentages for beneficiaries must add to 100%.

    Beneficiary 4

    All percentages for beneficiaries must add to 100%.

  • Signatures

    The undersigned agree to the terms stated on this form as a designation/update to the Account Agreement governing the account referenced above, and also agree to the beneficiary(ies) designation/update indicated. The undersigned also agree to the terms stated in the separate Account Agreement and Disclosures and Fee Schedule, and acknowledge their receipt.

    To verify your identity, please attach a valid ID below *

    Accepted ID types include: government issued photo ID, i.e.: State issued driver's license, US passport, or equivalent.
    Select files from your computer
    or simply drag & drop them here
    Accepted formats: .pages, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .png, .jpg.

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