Take Your Earnings, Higher In 2025! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through eBranch today!
Rates are subject to change without notice*.
Deposit any amount, any time. Competitive interest rates. Automatic deposit and distribution.
To return your completed application (with wet signatures), email us at Invite@ActorsFCU.com to request a secure file transfer. We will email you back from a secure email service, which will allow you to submit all required forms and documents with sensitive information.
*If you do not have the ability to submit your application via Secure Email, we can also accept your application and documents via USPS mail or fax. Applications should be submitted to the ActorsFCU Branch that is nearest to your home address. Applications that are submitted via mail or fax may require additional time for processing. Get our fax numbers and branch locations.
Take Your Earnings, Higher In 2025! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through eBranch today!
Rates are subject to change without notice*.