Take Your Earnings, Higher In 2025! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through eBranch today!
Rates are subject to change without notice*.
Future enhancements are being made to offer you even more rewards than ever, in the meantime please note the following:
What about scheduled payments or recurring monthly charges?
Since an entirely new card is being issued, it is extremely important to update your account information on all recurring charges or credits that you have authorized on your Actors FCU credit card.
As a helpful reminder, these are some of the more common types of recurring payments which may apply to you:
Please Note: Transactions that normally post before 03/20/22 will still occur on your existing card. Payments scheduled on or after 03/20/22 will no longer post with your old card information.
You must update your payment information accordingly!
We apologize for any inconvenience during this necessary transition; however, we look forward to the coming months and being able to offer our members an industry leading credit card program! Once you activate your new card, you may immediately begin to take advantage of a host of new features available to you!
Our teams are working hard to bring you additional enhancements in the coming months which will be communicated as they become available. You can look forward to significant improvements to our rewards program, online banking and mobile app features, card management and self-service options, 24/7 call center support, 24/7 fraud monitoring & protection, and much more!
As always, we thank you for being a valued member of Actors FCU, and we look forward to meeting your needs!
Take Your Earnings, Higher In 2025! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through eBranch today!
Rates are subject to change without notice*.