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Log-In eBranch

Log-In eBranch

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Security FAQs

Is my account secure and insured?
  • Yes, you’re the only one authorized to access your account.
  • Your deposits are insured by the NCUA (an agency of the Federal Government).
  • ActorsFCU uses sophisticated encryption that turns every online transaction into an unreadable mathematical formula.
  • We have prevention programs and processes to help identify suspicious activity.
How do I know if the website is really “ActorsFCU”?
By typing the URL into your browser or using a bookmark that you created. Use discretion before clicking on a link included in any email.
What if I gave my card information after clicking a link?
Immediately contact ActorsFCU at 212.869.8926, option 6. Your card information and identity may have been stolen.
What if my identity is stolen?
File a police report, check your credit reports, notify creditors, and dispute any unauthorized transactions immediately to restore your good name. For more details, go to
Should I report such fraud to a governmental agency?
You can report this crime online to, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. They review and refer cases of cyber fraud to the appropriate agency.
What if I get an email that says it’s an important message from ActorsFCU and wants me to reply immediately?
Do NOT reply to the email, supply any requested information, or click on any link provided in the message. Contact ActorsFCU immediately.
My card is not being approved, even though I activated it. Why and what should I do?

This may happen if:

  • you haven’t used your card for the past 12 months and we placed the card on inactive status for your protection
  • the magnetic strips have demagnetized or worn out
  • the card expired unnoticed
  • Falcon Fraud-Detection System has been unable to reach you and has blocked the card, for your protection.

In any of these cases, call Member Services at 212.869.8926, Option 6.

Call Falcon, if they’ve tried to reach you, to address the issue.
Falcon: 888.241.2440 (in the U.S.), 909.941.1034 (outside the U.S.).

Boost Your Savings Your Way!

Boost Your Savings, Your Way! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through Online Banking today!

Rates are subject to change without notice*.

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