Take Your Earnings, Higher In 2025! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through eBranch today!
Rates are subject to change without notice*.
If you’re on the receiving end, we’ll take care of that for you as well.
The person or financial institution sending the wire will need the following information:
Alloya Corporate Federal Credit Union
ABA No. 271987635
184 Shuman Boulevard-400
Naperville, IL 60563-8406
Member’s Name
ActorsFCU Account No.
Specify Savings or Checking
As a courtesy to our members, we exchange and deposit all major currency checks into your accounts for a small fee (see Fee Schedule under “General Fees”). Because we do not have an internal foreign exchange processing system, we outsource these transactions to another financial institution.
Take Your Earnings, Higher In 2025! Earn up to 3.81% APY* with no minimum deposit. Open your eMax$ Online Account through eBranch today!
Rates are subject to change without notice*.